Courses: 1 - 4 of 4
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The helping hand: Coaching skills for managers
Coaching skills for managers
The aim To ensure managers identify skills needs in their teams, and act upon them in order to improve people's performance. About the program The helping hand shows managers that understanding the need for coaching, and then learning how to coach, is an essential part of their jobs. In this amusing... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
I'd like a word with you
The discipline interview
The aim To ensure managers appreciate how to maintain people's long-term performance by applying necessary discipline. About the program This program shows managers and team leaders who have responsibilities for staff just how badly a discipline interview can be handled. By analyzing the wrong way t... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Listening and understanding (from the communication essentials series)
Teaches employees the five secrets for developing effective listening and understanding skills: show interest, focus on key issues, summarize and check for understanding, listen for common threads and explore and respond to feelings.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Project management
Leading a project team
The aim To give those tasked with managing projects the skills to maximize their team's performance. About the program Everyone has to manage projects, but not everyone knows how to do it well. Bad management skills can be a costly drain on time and money, causing frustration and stress for everyone... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only